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Leveraging Multimodal AI for CSRD reporting

Discover how Multimodal AI is transforming CSRD compliance by enhancing data accuracy, streamlining data management, and driving performance.

In the rapidly evolving field of sustainability reporting, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly Multimodal AI, has introduced both opportunities and challenges. Multimodal AI can streamline data processing by analyzing multiple types of data inputs simultaneously, enhancing reporting processes. However, it also brings significant risks—especially concerning transparency and regulatory compliance. Understanding and mitigating these risks is crucial for organizations looking to leverage AI effectively in their reporting practices.  

What is CSRD Reporting?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a new regulation in the European Union that requires companies to provide more detailed and standardized reporting on their environmental and social impacts. It introduces stringent requirements for data collection, transparency, and assurance. CSRD reporting essentially maps the non-financial risks of a company. It mandates that companies disclose information on how their business activities affect the environment and society as well as how the environment and society affects business activities. The regulation requires that this information undergo an audit (assurance) to ensure its accuracy and reliability. This directive aims to enhance corporate accountability and provide stakeholders with clear, comparable data to evaluate non-financial risks, while driving more sustainable business practices across Europe.  

Who is affected by CSRD?

About 50,000 companies in Europe and in the USA are affected by CSRD. With a gradual effective compliance timeline, companies with 250 employees would need to abide by the regulation and generate a CSRD sustainability report in the next 1-3 years. Companies outside of the European Union with a certain revenue threshold, who export to the EU, might also be exposed to the CSRD regulation. 

What data is required by CSRD?

The number of data points required to comply with CSRD ranges between 500 to thousands per business unit, depending on the size of the company and its industry. Data is qualitative and quantitative. For example, companies must report on their health and safety management systems and processes. This is a text based document which describes different best practices that the company holds to support solid health and safety to its employees. 

In addition, the company has to report coverage percentage, which is a calculation of the number of employees covered by the health and safety systems, divided by the total number of employees in the company. 

Another example is the female management percentage. Companies should declare the number of female employees at different management levels as a percent of the total number of employees at that level. Additionally, a company must also disclose its diversity policy, and how it plans to increase these percentages and empower women in management positions, which is a text-based document.

Understanding Multimodal AI  

Multimodal AI refers to artificial intelligence systems designed to process and analyze multiple types of data inputs, including text, images, numerical data, and more. Unlike traditional AI models, which are typically specialized in handling a single form of data, multimodal AI integrates diverse data sources to deliver a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues. This capability is particularly valuable in the context of CSRD reporting, where organizations must compile numerical data and generate calculations from various sources such as financial records, environmental sensors, as well as text based documents such as policies, risk assessments, and strategy papers—into a unified framework.

In sustainability reporting, which serves both regulatory requirements and marketing needs, multimodal AI plays a critical role. These reports not only include regulation reference codes, KPIs, and calculations but also narratives about initiatives, products, and company stories. In addition, Multimodal AI supports scanning marketing documents to discern a company’s tone of voice and marketing language, integrating these elements into the generated report and collateral.

Leveraging multimodal AI, companies can enhance the accuracy and depth of their sustainability reports, offering a more holistic view of their performance. This approach ensures compliance with regulations such as CSRD while effectively communicating to various stakeholders, including investors and customers.


The Benefits of AI in CSRD Reporting  

AI technology offers several significant benefits when integrated into sustainability reporting processes. First, it dramatically reduces the time and effort required to collect and process data. Traditional methods of data collection often involve manual input, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error. AI, on the other hand, automates these processes, quickly aggregating data from diverse sources, thus saving valuable time and reducing the risk of inaccuracies.  

Additionally, AI enhances the quality of the data collected. By using advanced algorithms to analyze data sets, AI can identify trends and patterns that might not be immediately apparent to human analysts. This capability is particularly valuable in sustainability reporting, where understanding the interplay between different types of data can provide deeper insights into a company's KPI’s.  

The Challenges of AI in Compliance and Regulatory Reporting

One of the primary concerns when using AI for reporting is the lack of transparency in how data is processed. This issue is particularly critical in the context of Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) compliance, where data integrity and accuracy are paramount. Large language models (LLMs), which power many AI systems, often struggle to deliver accurate results when there is insufficient training data. Unfortunately, this is a common scenario in sustainability reporting, where the available data can be sparse and inconsistent.  

Inaccurate reports not only undermine the credibility of an organization’s reporting efforts but can also expose the company to accusations of greenwashing and lead to serious regulatory consequences. With the introduction of the CSRD, which requires companies to report on the impact of corporate activities on the environment and society and mandates the audit (assurance) of reported information, ensuring that AI-generated reports are both accurate and transparent is becoming increasingly essential.  

Advanced AI Traceability for Reliable Reporting 

Recognizing these challenges, our Multimodal document platform incorporates advanced AI traceability features to address them. The system is designed to ensure that every piece of AI-generated data is fully traceable back to its original source, which is essential for maintaining the integrity and reliability of your sustainability report.  

But traceability doesn’t stop at data origin. The platform also includes audit logs that record the key steps of the data’s journey. These logs help provide insight into the AI's data handling, capturing essential details of how the data was processed and used. This not only enhances the accuracy of the reports generated but also supports organizations’ efforts to maintain compliance with CSRD standards.  

The Importance of Compliance and Audit Readiness  

Regulatory compliance is a critical concern in corporate reporting, and the stakes are high. Non-compliance can result in significant penalties, reputational damage, and strained relationships with stakeholders. By ensuring full traceability of AI-generated data, our solution helps organizations avoid these risks and stay on the right side of the frameworks.  

Moreover, the ability to produce transparent, traceable Multimodal documents enhances audit readiness. In the event of an audit, organizations can provide clear, documented evidence of how their AI-driven documents were generated, building confidence with auditors and stakeholders alike.  

Future Trends in AI-Driven Sustainability Reporting  

As we look toward the future, several key trends are emerging in the field of AI-driven sustainability reporting. First, there is a growing emphasis on the integration of real-time data analytics. With advancements in IoT and sensor technologies, companies will increasingly use AI to analyze live data streams, providing more timely and accurate insights into their environmental impact and sustainability efforts.  

Additionally, the use of AI for predictive analytics is set to expand, enabling organizations to forecast future sustainability trends and outcomes based on current data. A typical use case relates to the commitments that companies made into their net-zero date, while they do not have the data to back it up. Also companies that committed their green bond covenants into specific KPI’s, might pay millions of dollars if they hit their goals. AI could support these predictions. Moreover, the development of AI-driven natural language processing tools is likely to further enhance the ability of companies to extract valuable insights from unstructured data, such as social media posts and news articles, providing a more comprehensive view of their sustainability performance.  


As AI continues to play an increasingly important role in improving corporate processes, it is essential for organizations to address the inherent risks of transparency and compliance. Our advanced AI-based Multimodal documents and AI traceability offer a robust solution, ensuring that every AI-generated data point is fully traceable and that your AI-generated documents, studies, assessments, and reports are accurate as well as compliant. In an era where regulatory demands are increasing, having the right tools to manage AI-driven documents is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Embracing these technologies today will prepare companies not only for compliance but also for future growth while maintaining strong accountability.

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